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Project description

The renovation of the existing cultural hub and theatre known as John Mackintosh Hall, situated at 308 Main Street, Gibraltar.





We prepared an Environmental Statement, Sustainability and Energy Savings Report for the development, including a predictive EPC to support GCA and the developer with the planning permission application. Following close work with the architects and developers, we were able to propose several energy efficient measures for the building to lower its impact on the environment. 


The Aim

To comply with the nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) regulations of Gibraltar, i.e., the building must achieve an energy rating of A20 and 40% of its energy must come from a renewable source.


Finding & Solutions

EPC Rating (predictive): A15

Building Energy Use: 110 kWh/m2/year

Building Emission Rate: 49.95 kgCO2/m2/year


Passive design measures:

  • Building elements such as internal/external walls, roof, floors, glazing to have low U-values according to Approved Document F1A Conservation of Fuel and Power – Government of Gibraltar.

  • Recommendation of shading devices depending on the level of exposure to the sun of each façade based on its orientation and the activity type of the spaces.

  • Natural ventilation in the majority of indoor spaces, providing air quality, thermal comfort and energy savings.

  • Plenty of daylight from windows, rooflights and open courtyards.

  • Green roof and trees providing:

    • Thermal isolation: which reduces the building thermal gains and improves the efficiency of renewable systems.

    • Biodiversity net gain: increasing the overall biodiversity value of the development site.

Active engineering measures:

  • Large main auditoriums controlled by a roof mounted air handling unit and other areas (art galleries, library, cafeteria…) with a VRV system (SCOP: 4.5, SEER: 7.5 | R-32)

  • LED Lighting throughout with timers, occupancy and daylight sensors.

Renewable technologies:

  • Solar Thermal System with Naked Energy VirtuHOT Tubes to cover approximately 59% of hot water demand and generate over 34,000kWh/year of renewable thermal energy for the building. Saving 16.5 tonnes of CO2 on average per year.

  • Three PV arrays generating clean electricity. A sum of 86.6 kWp installed, with an estimated output of approximately 122,000 kWh/year. This will cover the 25% of the building’s energy demand.

Water conservation and recycling:

  • Water storage tank collecting greywater from AC and dehumidification units condensation to be reused for non-potable water use such as irrigation and cleaning.

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